Money Is Not Scarce



According to Google, as tracked by the Bank of International Settlements, about five trillion dollars are used for transactions on a daily basis in the world. Anything that is available daily in trillions cannot be said to be scarce. Money is called currency because it flows. It is constantly flowing from hands to hands. What determines who money flows to, is a function of what a person knows. When it comes to money, relevant knowledge is a key factor. Money is not scarce!


The world is governed by laws or principles. These principles are universal, eternal and unbreakable. For instance, the law of gravity is operational in all the continents of the world. A man who jumps off from a height in Japan suffers for it. This is the same also in China or Africa. The laws of life are no respecter of persons or gender. If a man violates the law of gravity, he suffers for it and that is the same for the woman.

Farmers plant seeds in China to reap harvests. An African farmer who sows seeds in his village in Africa also reaps a harvest. This is because there is another law of life that states that whatever a man sows, he will reap. This law ensures that a man sows tomatoes to reap tomatoes and not corn. There is no continent in the world where a man sows apples to reap oranges.

There are laws that govern the flow of money too. Money is not scare! It flows to men and women who know, understand and obey the laws of money. Conversely, money flows away from people who violate the laws of money. It is quite unfortunate that more than eighty percent of the people in the world today do not know the laws of money. Consequently, above eighty percent of the people in the world are below the poverty line.


Money will not flow to you because you are a doctor or lawyer. It will not flow to you because you are a pastor or bishop. Money will not even flow to you because you are a faithful tither in your church. Money flows only to those who obey the laws of money.

I watched a young Kenyan female lawyer tell how she earned so much money in UK working as a lawyer but the whole money fled away. All she knew about money was how to spend it. In her training as a lawyer, she was given all the relevant knowledge that qualified her to practice law.

It is a known fact that our school systems teach nothing about the laws of money. My biology teacher taught me that osmosis is the process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semi-permeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one. I wish that she extended that knowledge to tell me about the osmosis of money. She should have told me that money is constantly moving from the hands of the ignorant person to the hands of those that obey the laws of money.

My physics teacher taught me about the flow of electric currents through materials that are called conductors. He did not inform me that lack of knowledge insulates me from the flow of money.

Our churches equally do not do a good job about teaching members about the laws of money. We often hear about money during offering time in church. It is usually a call to give for the work of God and seldom teachings on how to earn money.


We live in a consumer culture. These are days when people eat their lunch for breakfast. We eat our tomorrow’s food today, drive our tomorrow’s car today and live in our tomorrow’s house today. With just a click of our credit cards, we can mortgage our future by buying all manner of things.

We are constantly bombarded by advertisements of new things to buy. Manufacturers of cars and phones are busy dishing out their latest products. Social media is agog with new clothes and shoes to be bought. All these eventually push so many people into buying things they do not need in order to impress people who do not even care about them. For the man or woman who knows about the laws of money, the story is different.


To build a house we usually engage the services of a person trained for that. With his wealth of knowledge, he builds the house by placing one block upon another until the house is built. That is how wealth is built too. The building block for wealth however, is the knowledge of the laws of money. A man that knows the laws of money, understands that the first rung on the ladder of wealth creation is savings. Money is not scare - Picture showing stacks of coins (money) with plants growing and a clock, portraying wealth is built

Proverbs 21:20 says,

The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down.

The man who knows about the laws of money understands so well that you cannot build wealth if you are in the habit of spending everything you earn. He disciplines himself to save a certain percentage of his income which he pulls together for investment.


There is a marked difference in the thinking pattern of the rich and the poor when it comes to money.

The average poor man who lacks the knowledge of the laws of money sees his income as fruits. He eats up all his fruits and waits for the next salary.

The rich man on the other hand, sees his income as seeds to be planted to reproduce more money seeds. This is the major difference between the rich and the poor. The rich understands that money breeds money. He invests his money to produce more money. His investment acts like a money tree that keeps yielding more money seeds for him even when he is asleep.

Warren Buffet says “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die”


Money and rabbits have one thing in common. They are both breeders. Just the same way rabbits breed and fill their rabbitry with their young, so money multiplies in the hands of people who obey the laws of money.

You can see that money is not scarce. As we saw earlier, it is available daily in trillions. Money flows into the hands of those who obey its laws.

Money is an absolute necessity. With it we can do much good. There are lots of needy people in the world that we can help with our money.

It is important to point out that money is not evil. It rather takes up the character of the person in whose hands it is. Money is like a weapon. A gun in the hands of a soldier is good for the protection of members of the society. The same gun in the hands of a robber becomes a terrible weapon.

Money is not scarce! If you are lacking in money, I have good news for you. Money is like mathematics. It has a formula. Invest some time in learning about the laws that govern money and gradually you will be able to build tremendous wealth because money is not scarce and it is not a respecter of persons.

I am grateful that God has kept us through this pandemic and I am fully persuaded that He will still keep us. Beyond the pandemic, comes several bills to be paid. It will be so good to invest some time in reading very good books on wealth creation.

Feel free to check on two of my titles below among many others:

THE GOLD IN MY GARDEN by Ngozi Okure (
WEALTH CODES by Ngozi Okure.

They are both available on Amazon and Okada books.

Money is not scarce! Remember to stay home, stay strong and stay safe!

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