

Abundance is a God word.  Scripture tells us that the LORD God planted a garden in the East of Eden where He placed Adam and Eve.  That garden had trees that were pleasant to the sight and good for food. It equally had a river that broke into four heads that watered the whole land.  It is important to point out that Eden had gold.  Not just gold but scripture says that the gold was good. It goes ahead to tell us that there were precious stones there including onyx stone. 
God is the author of abundance.  When He led Israel out of Egypt,  they went out with abundance of gold. When He gave them manna in the wilderness, everyone had enough. When Israel asked for water in the wilderness,  we are told from scriptures that the water gushed out. Gushing depicts abundance as we know. 

*Job 36:31 says..he giveth meat in abundance*. We know that meat refers to food. This tells me that it is not the plan of God that we should be in lack.  God did not plan that we eat what we see. In His program for us,  scripture says that He satisfies our mouth with good things. 
Where have we gone wrong as God’s people?  Why are so many kingdom people on the verge of starvation? 
*Job 36:11 says If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures*. This scripture spoke to me this morning. You see,  God cannot lie. If we are not spending our days in prosperity and our years in pleasures, we should look inwards. 
It is great to get acquainted with God. It is equally important to align our lives with His principles.  What have you done with seed sowing?,  hard work, meditation and more. Our God leads into green pastures but do we allow Him to lead us?  I told you that this scripture talked to me this morning. I was weighed by it and found wanting but it is my choice to rise up and get more compliant. How about you?
May it indeed be a beautiful weekend for you in Jesus name. This weekend,  we will hear the leading of God and by it usher in the abundance of all good things into our destinies in Jesus name. 
Ngozi Okure.